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여기 우리들의 신학
성경/신학에서 자주 만나는 용어 정리 본문
familia(Latin) - All persons descended from, or under the legal control of, a senior male authority; a house and all its dependents and property
atrium(Latin) - a room at the front of the Italian house with open roof at the center, originally for the smoke from the hearth to escape, later for the collection of rainwater.
impluvium(Latin) - In an Italian house, opening in the central roof of the atrium, originally to allow smoke to escape from the central hearth, later to allow rainwater to fall into the compluvium below, where it was collected.
insula(Latin) - Litterally, island, but used in an urban context to mean a large, multi-unit housing complex; also in modern classical archaelology, a city block of an ancient Roman city.
lararium(Latin) - The household shrine of the family's tutelary divinities.
lares(Latin) - Roman tetelary deities of cities, associations, and households
manus(Latin) - Literally, a human hand; legal term for legal power of husband over wife; Roman marriage could be cum manu, with transfer of power from father to husband, or increasingly in imperial terms, sine manu, withtout transfer of control.
materfamilias(Latin) - Matron or mistress of a household.
paterfamilias(Latin) - Male head of household and family
oecus(Latin, from Greek oikos, but with different meaning) - Hall or formal room in a private house, especially for entertainment.
oikos, oikia(Greek) - House, household with property and persons; roughly equivalent to Latin domus or familia.
ordo(Latin) - One of the two identifiable priviledged social ranks in Roman society, senatorial and equestrian.
patronus/ae(Latin) - Patron, protector; a slave's former owner, to whom certain obligations are due
peristyle(from Greek, peristylos, surrounded by columns) - An open area of a house or public building surrounded by a colonnaded portico.
subintroducta(Latin, equivalent of Greek syneisakta) - In Christian practice, a woman brought into a man's house as "sister-wife", to share living arrangements without conjugal union.
sui juris(Latin) - Legan term for one who is legally independent of paternal(patriapotestas) or marital(manus) control.
thermopolium(Latin) - A shop that sells hot drinks and other food and drink.
triclinium(Latin) - Squared three-sided dining couch for formal dining, the most common form until gradually repalced by the stibadium.
stibadium(Greek) - Originally, an informal or outdoor dining arrangement; later, a circular dining couch popular by the second and third centuries C.E.; by the fourth century, the preferred replacement of the triclinium.
tutela(Latin) - Legal guardianship of a minor or woman.
univira(Latin) - Wife of one husband; a romantic ideal of martial fidelity in Latin literature.
여기 우리들의 신학 팟캐스트
네이버 오디오클립 : audioclip.naver.com/channels/2453
팟티 : podty.me/cast/194201
iTunes : bit.ly/theoyws
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