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여기 우리들의 신학
Do you identify with any of these characters? 본문

The allegorical reading in which Mary and Martha are seen to represent particular lifestyles, and to which, in varying degrees, modern women subscribe is endemic to interpretations ranging from the medival even to present-day feminist readings. In my won experiences with Christian women of various denominations in adult education programs, I have often read to them Luke's account of Martha and Mary and then asked, 'Do you identify with any of these characters?' Half the room claims to be Martha; the rest are Marys. 'So none of you identifies with Jesus?' I inquire. This identification, so common among (male) pastors, almost never surfaces among their options.
Amy-Jill Levine, "Introduction", A Feminist Companion to Luke, edited by Amy-Jill Levine with Marianne Blikenstaff, London: Sheffied Academic Press,2002: 1-22, 13
여기 우리들의 신학 팟캐스트
네이버 오디오클립 : audioclip.naver.com/channels/2453
팟티 : podty.me/cast/194201
iTunes : bit.ly/theoyws
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