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여기 우리들의 신학
Christian Woman Patrons 본문
Christian Woman Patrons:
How should their roles be interpreted?
What could be the realities (not ideals) of them?
"Margaret Mtichell has shown that the officially designated envoy, in the context of epistolary conventions, was to be received in the same way as the sender would be received and is the authoritative representative of the one who sends. Phoebe functions this way with regard to Paul, as do Timothy and Titus in other situations.
In Rom 16:2 we have the odd case of a client, Paul, commending his patron, Phoebe. But this may be justified in the case that the patron is moving into new territory that the client already knows to some extent, as is probably the case here.
Whether one considers Rmans 16 as addressed to Rome ro to Ephesus will necessarily influence one's interpretation on Phoebe's role. But whichever it is, it is likely that Paul is not just commending Phoebe to a new group but is participating in some greater plan, which may have been initiated not by Paul but by Phoebe."
Carolyn Osiek and Margaret Y. MacDonald ; with Janet H. Tulloch, A Woman's Place : House Churches in Earliest Christianity, Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, 2006,215-216
여기 우리들의 신학 팟캐스트
네이버 오디오클립 : audioclip.naver.com/channels/2453
팟티 : podty.me/cast/194201
iTunes : bit.ly/theoyws
'구독'과 '좋아요'와 '댓글'은 언제나 환영해요.
'글 > 신나(신학생 나부랭이)의 글' 카테고리의 다른 글
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