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여기 우리들의 신학
모든 여자가 해방되지 않는 한 본문
several important methodological rules for dealing with the information of androcentric texts:
1. These texts should never be seen in isolation but always in their immediate textual contexts.
2. These texts should also always be analyzed in their specific social-political context in order to establish their "function".
3. Especially normative texts often maintain that something is a historical fact and a given reality although the opposite is the case.
The last insight is supported by feminist scholars of American history who have analyzed the sermons and ethical instructions of the clergy on women's nature, place, behavior in the last two centuries. They have shown that androcentric injuctions become more detailed and numerous with the growth of the women's movement in society. It would therefore be a methodological mistake to take androcentric-patriarchal texts at face value.
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, In Memory of Her, 10th edition(1994),:60
We define the best interests of women as the best interests of the poorest, most insulted, most despised, most abused woman on earth...Until everywoman is free, no woman will be free. "Redstockings, April 1969"
(쉬슬러 피오렌자, In Memory of Her, 132에서 재인용)
가끔 점잖은 감탄사로는 부족함을 느낄 때가 있다.
** 멋있다. 그러나 이 선언은 너희가 해방될 때까지 우리 모두 해방이 아니야...라는 다짐이 아니다. 이 선언은 우리의 현실에 대한 진술이다. 모든 여자가 해방되지 않는 한, 어떤 여자도 실제로 해방된 것이 아니기 때문이다.
여기 우리들의 신학 팟캐스트
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